Do you want to maximise your enjoyment and satisfaction during the later years of your life?


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Do you want to manage how you’re remembered in the future, or leave that to chance and outsiders who don’t know the full picture?

How much of your time, money and personal influence would you like to give back to your community?

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Don’t be surprised by pitfalls you may not have considered while planning your legacy

Good outcomes come from thinking about issues from as many angles you can find

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Learn How To Ensure That Your Legacy Remains
Robust After You Let Go Of The Reins!

Plans are like road maps: they show you how best to travel from A to B.

If you don’t have a road map (where would we be these days without GPS?), it can be easy to get lost and waste a lot of time getting to your required destination. There’s also a risk you could run out of gas!

Before you can use a map, however, you need to know where you are currently—and where you want to go.

Good outcomes come from thinking about issues from as many angles you can think of. This is particularly important when examining what you have achieved in life so far and what you still want to achieve.

In this groundbreaking book, you’ll learn:

  • What the long-term best interests of the asset base you’ve built actually are
  • The unique problems faced by older baby-boomers as they begin the task of building their legacy
  • The broad range of issues affecting your family and perspectives you may not have considered
  • Putting structures in place that ensure your family’s wealth is not eroded when you are no longer in control
  • Distinguishing between the way you organise your legacy with your business and colleagues and how you work with your loved ones to make sure they understand what you are aiming to achieve

Michael Grant is the trusted legacy strategy planner for successful business owners. With over 30 years in the fields of tax consulting, accounting and management, Michael is uniquely qualified in the area of strategic legacy planning, having accumulated the necessary professional and life experience to be the sounding board his clients need to determine and implement their legacy planning objectives.

Brought up in a working-class family in Sydney, Michael attended the University of NSW, where he graduated with a degree in commerce. Michael worked his way through the ranks of high-profile accounting and advisory firms, becoming board chairman at BDO, and finally managing partner.

Today, Michael’s advisory firm, Tabouli Holdings Group, specialises in tax consulting and general advisory. This includes legacy planning for clients whom Michael has advised for many years.

Want To Learn More About Legacy Planning?

Ready To Start Planning For Your Legacy’s Success?

“We first started working with Michael about 20 years ago when we were in the process of selling a major business to a large American multinational. He was originally engaged to solve a taxation issue, but he also identified many other important commercial issues we hadn’t considered and solved them with the help of other advisers he organised.

What we liked was how he managed to explain complex issues in a way we could understand and act upon. Since then, he has guided us through the complex taxation issues arising as we created, built and sold other businesses, and he provided insights and perspectives on relevant commercial issues as well.
Michael is much more than a tax adviser—he has a gift for seeing things we cannot, often coming up with left-field ideas which initially sound unusual until he explains them in the straightforward manner we have come to respect.

Over the years, Michael has been a source of important counsel for us in the management of our overall financial affairs. More recently, he has also helped us with estate planning issues which at times we found personally confronting.

He has always been able to look at all sides of an issue and provide an independent view for us to consider, which has been very helpful in the decision making that directly impacts our future and that of our family.
We consider Michael to be our trusted adviser, but he is also our friend whom we can rely upon whenever we need him. He is a person of integrity and honesty and he is part of our ‘inner circle’.”

Peter and Annette Boylan

Directors, Boylan Group

“I first met Michael when he decided to hire me as a junior tax consultant. It seems like a long time ago. He was a hard but fair boss from whom I learned a great deal about tax but, more importantly, how to solve problems in a lateral way.

One of his pet sayings when I could not come up with a solution that worked for a client was “Wrong answer, go away and do some more thinking and don’t come back until you have a better solution and make sure you have more than one.”

He constantly challenged me to think beyond the square. Even when I was technically right, if it did not solve the problem, then there always had to be another way……and there invariably was. This was one of the qualities that drew clients to Michael and helped make him a very successful tax partner.

He was always generous with praise when it was warranted and did not mind if his idea was not the one we proposed if that idea was the best solution for the client. He was never afraid to throw a younger staff member a challenging assignment and was always available to help them work it through. He worked the same way with his clients, so they felt involved and part of the solutions he created.

I think these qualities are ideal for working with the heads of successful families and I look forward to working with Michael in this new role he is creating for himself.”

Paul Lyon

Partner, Private Client Services, Ernst & Young

“Michael has referred work to Addisons many times over the years, and my partners and I have always enjoyed working with him. He is passionate about his clients and always motivated to contribute to their success. Michael approaches their work from a holistic perspective, thinking through all possible angles and then systematically working through a variety of possible solutions until he reaches a recommendation that meets the client’s needs. He is open and affable and a good listener. His clients both like him and trust him to solve their issues. I look forward to working with him in this next phase of his career.”

Laura Hartley

Partner, Addisons Lawyers

“Michael convinced our CFO to engage his firm to be our tax adviser when our business was very new. He grew with us and over the years a trusted relationship developed. When Michael retired from the firm, I didn’t want to lose his expertise and knowledge, so I asked him if he would continue to assist me with my personal financial affairs. This has worked quite well, as he has remained available to discuss and debate my ideas with intellectual rigour, review what other advisers are doing for me and he continues to provide me with great ideas to consider as well. I trust his judgement and respect his advice. He offers a quality personal service in a pragmatic and straightforward manner which I think would suit a lot of people in my position. I wish him well with this new venture.”

Peter Brennan AM

Managing Director, Bradcorp Holdings Pty Limited

In recent years, it struck Michael more and more that Australia is in the process of transferring billions of dollars in wealth to the next generation. Thus, he has made it his mission to apply his experience in aiding those who have been successful and who wish to pass their wealth on responsibly.

Michael possesses a lifetime of experience in looking after the interests of some of Australia’s most successful families. During his years as a tax consultant, Michael saw some wealthy families handle legacy planning well, while others did not fare so well.

Largely, it was because they enrolled the services of professional advisors who didn’t share their vision.

This book will help you:

  • See and anticipate what needs to get done to create and maintain your legacy
  • Understand how your legacy goals will impact the important people in your life
  • Cover the important details and check all the angles to avoid making serious mistakes as you plan your legacy
  • Eliminate the worry and stress about your family’s wealth and its preservation at the time when you should be enjoying life to the fullest